


Kundalini activation is a powerful and transformative experience that can lead to profound changes in your mind, body, and spirit. However, the journey doesn't end with the activation itself. Integration is a crucial phase that helps you embody the shifts and insights gained during the activation, ensuring that the changes are deeply rooted and sustainable. At Jax Healing Retreat, we offer a comprehensive integration guide to support you in this process.

Integration Overview


To help the integration process in situations where the energy is very active, it is beneficial to add additional physical exercises, ground yourself by walking in nature barefoot after the session, and swim in the ocean or take a saltwater bath to cleanse the energy off you.

There is nothing to worry about; the intense energy sensations should stop in the next few days, and one should perhaps integrate a little more before attending another session.

After a session, it is good to take it easy for the rest of the day, take a cold shower, spend some time in nature, and observe your energy over the coming days; the energy will continue to work strongly. Most people will notice significant changes and shifts in the days following a session.

Somatic trauma work is energy work. By working with our soma (body) and energy, we are working directly with the trapped, stagnant, blocked energy that is harboring within our bodies and energy channels. When we work on releasing this old, perhaps painful energy, we change our patterns and, in tandem, increase our level of consciousness.

It is quite common that when we begin this work, we start to shy away from certain foods, habits, people, and situations where we may have felt comfortable or interested before. However, when we release and heal, we no longer operate at our old low levels of consciousness, as we have chosen to engage with a substance of energy, a particular vibration that produces a certain quality of health, wellness, food, language, environments, people, places, and spaces.

When we discover a different level of consciousness, we no longer attract the old vibrations; we become more conscious of our surroundings, what we intake, and whom we spend our time with. Sometimes the old shoe doesn’t fit anymore. We become more conscious of ourselves and what is in our energy field. We may not like certain foods, drinks, people, relationships, or old unhealthy habits.

We also discover ourselves all over again, which is why integration is so important—to merge ourselves back together in alignment with our new diets, interests, and so on. It can be a lot.

Common Benefits:

  • Feel less tension in your body.

  • Overcome traumatic experiences.

  • Yes, beaches like Surga, Melasti, and Bingin are great for swimming. Always check local conditions and be mindful of currents.

  • Boost energy levels.

  • Achieve inner peace.

  • Rediscover your purpose.

Common Side-Effects:

Integration is key when we work with deep energy healing methods. When we work with the root cause of our traumas, imprinting, physical manifestations, and so on, we can expect a lot of energy to continue dissipating and integrating in the days following our sessions.

Our work on the mat is only about 10% of the overall energy shifting; the real magic begins after our sessions in integration.

It is not uncommon to feel emotionally raw and fragile after an energy healing.

  • Feel emotionally raw and fragile.

  • Notice fluctuations in energy.

  • Notice fluctuations in energy.

  • Feel physical discomfort as energy releases.

  • Item description
  • Achieve inner peace.

  • Rediscover your purpose.

Energy healing is much like a physical detox. However, with this, we cleanse and purify the mind, body, and soul, so we can expect at times to have detox symptoms before the light comes and we feel clear.

Please remember that this process needs repetition, and you are the one who dictates the pace of your journey; there is no right or wrong pace here. If you trust this journey, know that the energy will be opening other layers and working deeper with time and repetition; come each time you are drawn to and ready to experience it. Let the point shed the layers of what no longer serves you and share the profound transformation.

The experience can be energetically intense and mild for a smaller number of people. Know that this work is based on letting go; you must let go to experience it. Some people have more difficulty than others letting go and surrendering, but know the energy is working to the right degree for you in the given moment. The critical factor here is to deepen this experience with time; repetition and surrendering to the process are essential. You may need a few sessions to deepen into experiencing that space.

During the session, please be a witness to the experience, observe it and allow it. Let the energy take you on a journey, don’t judge it, be present, and watch where it takes you.


Following these practises can you help your integration process:


Importance of Breathwork

Breathwork is a powerful tool for integrating Kundalini energy. It helps regulate the nervous system, release stored emotions, and maintain a balanced flow of energy throughout the body. Conscious breathwork can also deepen your connection to your inner self and enhance your overall well-being.


  • Conscious Connected Breathing: Practice slow, deep breaths, focusing on a smooth and continuous rhythm. This technique helps to calm the mind and balance energy levels.

  • Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana): This practice balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain, promoting harmony and relaxation.


Importance of Meditation

Meditation is essential for grounding and integrating the heightened awareness brought about by Kundalini activation. It helps you maintain focus, reduce stress, and deepen your spiritual connection. Regular meditation practice supports the ongoing process of inner transformation.


  • Mindfulness Meditation: Focus on your breath or a specific object to bring your awareness into the present moment.

  • Guided Visualisation: Use guided meditations to visualise the flow of Kundalini energy and its integration within your body.


Importance of Grounding

Grounding practices are crucial for stabilizing the intense energy of Kundalini. They help you connect with the earth, release excess energy, and maintain balance in your daily life. Grounding activities also promote a sense of safety and stability.


  • Walking in Nature: Spend time walking barefoot on the beach or in a forest to connect with the natural world.

  • Grounding Foods: Incorporate grounding foods such as root vegetables, nuts, and seeds into your diet. These foods help to stabilize your energy and support overall well-being.

  • Magnesium Intake: Magnesium is essential for relaxing muscles and calming the nervous system. Consider taking magnesium supplements or incorporating magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens and nuts into your diet.


Importance of a Grounding Diet

Nutrition plays a vital role in the integration process after Kundalini activation. Consuming grounding foods helps to stabilize your energy and provides essential nutrients that support your physical and mental well-being. A grounding diet can help you stay connected to the earth and maintain a balanced state of mind.

Grounding Foods to Incorporate:

  • Root Vegetables: Carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, and turnips are excellent for grounding your energy.

  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flaxseeds provide healthy fats and essential nutrients.

  • Whole Grains: Brown rice, quinoa, and oats offer sustained energy and help maintain blood sugar levels.

  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are rich in magnesium and other essential minerals.

  • Fruits: Apples, bananas, and avocados are nourishing and help keep you grounded.


  • Mindful Eating: Pay attention to the taste, texture, and aroma of your food. Eating mindfully can enhance your connection to the nourishment your food provides.

  • Regular Meals: Maintain a regular eating schedule to stabilise your energy levels and support your body's natural rhythms.

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water and incorporate hydrating foods like cucumbers and melons to keep your body hydrated and energised.


Importance of Journalling

Journaling is a powerful tool for processing and integrating the experiences and insights gained during Kundalini activation. It allows you to reflect on your journey, track your progress, and gain deeper insights into your spiritual path.


  • Daily Reflections: Spend a few minutes each day writing about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

  • Self-Reflection Prompts: Use prompts to explore specific aspects of your Kundalini journey.

  • Or you could ask:

     How would I describe this energy and its potential impact on my life and spiritual journey?

  • Or you could ask:

    What are my intentions and aspirations in engaging with this energy?

  • Reflect on any personal experiences or sensations that you associate with Kundalini Activation.

  • What are the underlying reasons for these fears, and how can you address them with compassion and self-care?

  • Reflect on the inner work you have done, such as healing past traumas, cultivating self-awareness, and strengthening your spiritual foundation.

  • Or you could ask:

    How do you envision integrating these experiences into your daily life and spiritual practice?

  • Consider the importance of balance and integration in Kundalini Activation.

  • Reflect on the concept of embodiment in Kundalini Activation.

  • Explore your understanding of holding space for others during their Kundalini Activation journeys.

  • Or you could ask:

    What specific practices or actions can you incorporate to nurture this growth and deepen your connection with the divine?


Importance of Kundalini Reactivation

This somatic healing practice is an excellent daily routine to re-activate the Kundalini shakti life-force within you and increase its intensity and vibration. This energy has already been awakened within you during a session and can be experienced at different levels and intensities throughout your healing process.


  • Daily Practice: Engage in Kundalini Breathwork to maintain and amplify the life-force energy within you.

  • Emotional Clearing: Use Breathwork to release any emotional blocks and stagnant energy lying deep within the subconscious.

Why It's Important:

Re-activating the life-force energy within you helps to maintain the flow and balance of Kundalini energy. It is also incredibly potent for clearing away emotional blocks and stagnant energy.