Classes & 

Day Retreats

Your transformative catalyst for inner healing.

Our Events

At Jax Healing Retreat, we offer an extensive array of Day Retreats and Immersions meticulously crafted to facilitate profound healing and personal growth.

See below our current events at JAX

JAX Lifeforce Activations


Release your Trauma

Our JAX Facilitator-led Kundalini life force transmissions are a powerful, multifaceted healing experience. This intense session simultaneously combines Kundalini activation, bodywork, and breathwork, creating a synergistic approach to trauma healing and energy awakening. The practice aims to release blocked energy, process deep-seated trauma, and foster profound spiritual and personal growth.

After the healing, we serve ice tea on the deck and grounding practices as you integrate the experience.


JAX Expansive Day RETREATS

HEAL & AWAKEN Day Retreat

Expand your Awareness

Immerse yourself in our Jax Day Retreats - a powerful journey of healing and self-discovery. Dive deep into transformative experiences designed to unlock your potential and address unresolved trauma. Our intensive program combines potent healing modalities to clear energetic blockages and emotional barriers that are nervous system led. Experience the full depth of a Jax retreat in one life-changing day, emerging renewed with tools to continue your healing journey.

JAX Healing Four Day RETREATS

HEAL & EXPAND Four Day Retreat

Immerse into Embodiment

Dive deep into healing with our 4-Day Intensive Retreat at Jax. Experience a diverse array of powerful modalities, from Kundalini activations, ceremonial breathwork to traditional Balinese ceremonies. This immersive journey addresses trauma, clears energetic blockages, and ignites personal growth. Disconnect from stress and engage fully in your transformation. Emerge renewed, with clarity and tools to continue your healing journey beyond the retreat.

MEN’S Breathwork and Ice Bath IMMERSION


Feel into the Depths

Men's Breathwork and Ice Bath Immersion fuses powerful breathing techniques with cold exposure to enhance vitality and resilience. This guided practice reduces stress, boosts energy, and fosters personal growth by harnessing the body's natural responses. Participants experience improved focus, faster recovery, and increased emotional strength in a controlled environment, unlocking their full potential.



Unearth your Power

Unlock your full potential through an intense, distraction-free journey. This immersive retreat combines rigorous fitness, carnivore nutrition, breathwork, ice baths, and contrast therapy. Face physical and mental challenges, engage in transformative workshops, and forge brotherhood bonds. In this technology-free, all-male environment, focus on holistic health—mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. Emerge stronger, more resilient, and deeply connected to your primal self and fellow men.

“Our mind, body & soul healing retreat in the heart of Bali is a comprehensive and immersive experience that promotes holistic well-being - designed to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health & wellness, focusing on deep healing and transformation.”

— Rebecca, Founder of JAX

See below to find out more about our healing events.

JAX Lifeforce Activations

Trauma Informed Healing

Jax Kundalini life force transmissions are powerful immersions that incorporate breathwork and bodywork to awaken the dormant energy within you. Our healings guide you through a transformative process, helping you tap into and amplify your inner energy. You may experience profound spiritual and personal growth, heightened awareness, and a deeper connection to your authentic self.


  • Our JAX Facilitator-led Kundalini life force transmissions are a powerful, multifaceted healing experience. This intense session simultaneously combines Kundalini activation, bodywork, and breathwork, creating a synergistic approach to trauma healing and energy awakening. The practice aims to release blocked energy, process deep-seated trauma, and foster profound spiritual and personal growth.

    We recognise that the key to unlocking somatic unwinding, trauma release, deep catharsis, and nervous system regulation lies in creating a carefully crafted and intentional environment. This setting allows for uninhibited movement and the full spectrum of vocal, somatic, and emotional expression, all guided by the body's innate wisdom and its healing potential, under the guidance of a deeply attuned facilitator.

    After the healing, we serve refreshing ice tea, and grounding practices as you integrate the experience.

  • This process creates energy alignment by first harmonising your brainwaves through conscious connected breathwork, which calms and centres your mind and body.

    As you move through powerful visualisations and manifestation meditations, you release blockages and align your energy across past, present, and future selves.

    Grounding exercises at the end help integrate these changes, ensuring lasting energy alignment and well-being.

  • This integrated method addresses both physical and emotional layers of experience, effectively releasing stored blockages and outdated patterns. By combining these modalities, we facilitate a thorough rebalancing of your energy system.

    Deep somatic healing works through the body’s physical sensations and stored traumas, releasing pent-up energy and enabling smoother energy flow.

    Trauma processing further dismantles the emotional residues that disrupt your energetic harmony. Together, these processes clear old patterns and create space for positive, aligned energy to flow more freely.

    As a result, your entire system realigns with a natural state of balance, enhancing overall well-being and resilience.


  • The integrated approach of deep somatic healing and energy clearing significantly deepens your spiritual connection. By releasing blockages and realigning your energy, you enter profound, transcendental states where ordinary boundaries dissolve.

    In these expanded states of consciousness, you experience a heightened sense of the mystical and the unified force that connects all things. This profound sense of oneness allows you to tap into a greater spiritual understanding and experience transformative shifts. As you become attuned to these deeper layers of existence, your connection to the spiritual realm is strengthened, revealing new dimensions of unity and insight that enrich your spiritual journey.

  • Somatic healing is essential for completing and resolving incomplete trauma cycles, which enables the release of pent-up, bound energy stored in our nervous systems and deep subconscious.

    When trauma occurs, the body's natural response often involves creating protective mechanisms, including armoring and defense patterns, to shield us from further harm. These responses can become ingrained in our physical and emotional systems, leading to persistent energy blockages.

    By engaging in trauma healing, we address and dismantle these protective layers and armoring. This process involves safely revisiting and processing past traumas, which allows us to integrate and release the accumulated energy that has been trapped. As this pent-up energy is discharged, the nervous system can reset, and outdated patterns of behavior and thought can be reformed.

    This healing also facilitates the transformation of deeply embedded subconscious beliefs and behaviors that have formed as a result of trauma.

    By completing these cycles, we dissolve the patterns that no longer serve us, fostering a more fluid energy flow. This process leads to a profound shift in how we interact with the world and ourselves, allowing for greater emotional freedom and spiritual growth.

  • Raising our frequency heightens our awareness and clarity by aligning us with higher vibrational states. This shift promotes more coherent brainwave patterns, enhancing cognitive function and intuition. As we operate at a higher frequency, we gain access to subtler insights and perspectives, while experiencing greater emotional balance and clarity. This elevated state of being allows us to perceive and understand our experiences with greater depth and precision.


Expand your Awareness

Our Jax Day Retreats are designed to provide a comprehensive healing experience in a one-day deep dive intensive. These retreats offer an opportunity to immerse yourself in various healing modalities, allowing you to experience the profound depth and impactful transformation of a full retreat in just one day.


  • In our somatic healing sessions, we work with a powerful and intense frequency that clears and purifies the energy pathways, enabling the eventual rise of Kundalini energy.

    The process incorporates breathwork, bodywork, energy work, and sound healing. Through body awareness, gentle movement, and conscious breathing, we create a safe space for processing stored trauma and emotions. This deep, profound work involves completing trauma cycles and releasing stuck, stagnant energy.

    It fosters emotional resilience, self-awareness, and a deeper connection to our authentic selves, often leading to spiritual awakenings. This journey not only helps us heal but also evolve, emerging with greater wisdom, empathy, and a renewed zest for life.

    However, this work requires a willingness to dive deep; if you aren't ready for such intense healing, it may not be for you.

  • You'll be surrounded by like-minded individuals in a nurturing environment, fostering a deep sense of belonging and connection. We come in as strangers and leave as friends for life. The universe has hand-selected each person in the group, and as time unfolds, you'll see how we all mirror each other, which in itself is medicine for the soul.

  • Integration is key to your transformation at our retreat and beyond. It's about applying the tools and practices you learn to your daily life, allowing profound changes to take root. This process can be challenging, but the depth of your transformation depends on your commitment to integration.

    We provide practical techniques to support your ongoing growth and healing, ensuring you maintain progress and continue evolving long after the retreat ends.

    By consistently showing up for yourself and incorporating these practices, you'll establish a new energetic baseline and experience lasting change.


  • Somatic healing sessions: Kundalini life force transmissions, breathwork and meditation to balance your mind, body, and spirit.

    • Sound healing: Experience the therapeutic vibrations of sound to restore harmony within.

    • Nature connection: Spend time in the beautiful surroundings of Uluwatu, allowing nature to enhance your healing process.

  • Our integrative approach at Jax facilitates profound nervous system regulation by addressing stress, pain, and tension at the somatic level. By combining various healing modalities, we create a powerful environment for releasing deeply held trauma stored in the body.

    This multi-faceted process allows participants to access and release physical and emotional tension, shifting the nervous system out of chronic stress patterns. As a result, the body naturally moves towards a more balanced state, improving overall regulation.

    Participants often experience a reset in their nervous system, leaving the retreat feeling more grounded, and resilient, with an enhanced capacity to manage daily stress.


Immerse into Embodiment

Dive deep into healing with our 4-Day Intensive Retreat at Jax. Experience a diverse array of powerful modalities, from Kundalini activations, ceremonial breathwork to traditional Balinese ceremonies. This immersive journey addresses trauma, clears energetic blockages, and ignites personal growth. Disconnect from stress and engage fully in your transformation. Emerge renewed, with clarity and tools to continue your healing journey beyond the retreat.


  • During the retreat, you will engage in a series of practices specifically designed to release deep-seated trauma and emotional blockages.

    Through specialised bodywork techniques, we target areas where trauma is physically stored in the body, helping to release tension and facilitate healing. Kundalini activations work by awakening your inner energy, promoting the flow of life force throughout your system, and dissolving energetic blockages that hinder emotional well-being.

    Our energy clearing sessions are integral, as they purify and balance your energy pathways, allowing for the smooth flow of energy and the release of stagnant emotions.

    We create a safe space for you to process and let go of past traumas, leading to a profound sense of emotional relief and a renewed sense of inner peace and clarity.

  • You'll be surrounded by like-minded individuals in a nurturing environment, fostering a deep sense of belonging and connection.

    Through group healings and sharing circles, you'll find a safe space to express your thoughts and feelings, realising you're not alone in your journey.

    These interactions help build lasting relationships based on shared experiences of healing and personal growth. The supportive community amplifies the healing process, encouraging authenticity and self-acceptance. These connections provide continued support and encouragement, enriching your life long after the retreat ends.

  • In our retreat, you can expect to gain tools and practices to incorporate into your everyday life. You'll learn ways to ground and integrate your experiences, along with rituals and practices that you can lead yourself.

    These techniques will help you shift your mood, release stuck and stagnant energy, and feel free and liberated. You'll discover methods to self-soothe and regulate your nervous system, learn healthy ways to communicate and express yourself, and lovingly meet yourself in all aspects.

    You'll also learn ways to work with your energy, recognising that you are your own healer. By understanding how to harness and direct your energy, you can continue your healing journey independently. Whether addressing your shadow self, old unhealthy patterns, beliefs, or coping mechanisms, we all need tools to break free from old ways of being or faulty ways of viewing the world.

    This retreat will empower you with those tools, fostering personal growth and transformation.


  • We create life-long change by breaking the chains of the past and releasing what no longer serves us. Healing and rising are impossible if we are still trapped by past pain and unprocessed trauma. If we continue living within the confines of incomplete cycles, our future selves and lives will be predictably shaped by these past patterns. This affects everything: what we attract, who we attract, what we earn, whom we choose to love, the jobs we have, and the lives we create for ourselves.

    Without moving past and healing our old wounds, we can't pave a new way forward. True transformation begins when we choose to change. When we change our energy, we change our lives. This is how our retreats foster life-long change—by empowering you to break free from the past and create a new destiny.

  • Our retreats enhance self-awareness by guiding participants to explore subtle bodily sensations, emotional patterns, and energy flows.

    This process reveals ingrained habits, subconscious beliefs, and hidden aspects of the self. Releasing somatic tension and trauma surfaces suppressed emotions, leading to integration and clearer intuition.

    This journey fosters a deeper understanding of one's thoughts and feelings, leading to greater emotional intelligence, self-regulation, and lasting personal growth.

MEN’S Breathwork and Ice Bath IMMERSION

Feel the Depths of Healing

Our Men's Breathwork + Ice Bath Immersion combines a 90-minute conscious connected breathwork session with ice bath exposure. This practice aims to release emotional tension, enhance mental clarity, and build resilience. Participants engage in a deep conscious connected breathwork journey followed by a cold immersion, challenging both mind and body.


  • In the 90-minute conscious connected breath journey, you can expect a profound experience designed to facilitate deep healing and emotional regulation.

    Primal Energetics is a powerful practice that focuses on addressing pent-up emotions, unresolved anger, and stress stored in the body. By engaging in this practice, individuals can promote deep emotional regulation and release tension, facilitating healing and personal growth.

    This approach not only helps in cultivating emotional balance but also fosters resilience, allowing men to navigate their feelings more effectively.

  • Following the breathwork immersion, the ice bath serves as a powerful integration tool, helping men reconnect with their bodies and ground the profound experiences they’ve just undergone. Being immersed in cold water after breathwork not only solidifies emotional releases and insights but also acts as a catalyst for mental clarity and resilience.

    This contrast between breathwork and ice immersion reinforces the mental fortitude cultivated during the session and can deepen bodily awareness that supports ongoing emotional regulation and overall well-being.

  • After engaging in a powerful breathwork and ice immersion we gather as a group of men to strengthen our bonds and integrate our experiences.

    This open share session is a space where each man can speak freely and authentically about his journey, challenges, and insights.


  • Breathwork and cold exposure, such as ice baths, enhance mental clarity through several mechanisms.

    Breathwork increases oxygenation to the brain, reduces cortisol levels, and stimulates the vagus nerve, promoting relaxation and reducing mental fog. It also boosts alpha and theta brain waves and increases endorphin and serotonin levels, improving mood and cognitive function.

    Ice baths trigger the release of norepinephrine, enhancing focus and alertness, while their anti-inflammatory effects support brain health and reduce mental fog.

  • In our high-stress world, men often internalise tensions, anxieties, and societal pressures, unable to express or process these emotions due to deep-seated conditioning. This suppression can lead to a state similar to a kettle on a stove with no release - building pressure that results in unexpected outbursts, chronic feelings of lack, depression, and anxiety.

    The breathwork component allows men to safely access and release these pent-up emotions. By consciously connecting with their breath, participants can tap into buried feelings, allowing suppressed anger, fear, and worry to surface and dissipate. This process helps clear emotional blockages, reducing the risk of sudden emotional eruptions in daily life.

    The ice bath immersion further supports emotional regulation by training the nervous system to remain calm under extreme stress. This practice helps rewire stress responses, teaching men to maintain composure and emotional balance even in challenging situations.

    By regularly engaging in this practice, men can develop greater emotional awareness, resilience, and the ability to navigate their feelings more effectively, leading to improved overall mental health and well-being.

  • Our Men's Breathwork + Ice Bath Immersion significantly boosts a man's self-confidence by providing a challenging experience that proves his mental and physical strength.

    This powerful combination releases stagnant energy within the body that may have been causing feelings of inadequacy or lack. By confronting and overcoming these internal barriers, participants tap into their innate potential, transforming self-doubt into self-assurance and replacing feelings of lack with a sense of stregnth and capability.


Unearth your Power

A space for the resilient and driven man's growth. Embark on a journey of self-discovery, blending physical, mental, and emotional challenges with ancient spiritual practices. Share profound experiences among brothers and evolve into your best self.


  • The Mind Mastery offers a sacred space dedicated to the continuous growth of resilient and driven men. Our retreats, set in the heart of Bali, provide a transformative journey of self-discovery that combines physical, mental, and emotional challenges with ancient spiritual healing modalities. Participants embark on a profound collaborative experience amongst brothers, evolving into greater versions of themselves.

    We create better men by offering a deep dive within, challenging those courageous enough to face their inner struggles and brave enough to share their stories.

    Our blend of activities and modalities allows men to unfold and develop their sense of self, forging a community dedicated to growth.

    This is an opportunity to disconnect from the world, focus on personal development, and tap into the true warrior spirit of man.

  • The Mind Mastery Retreat offers a strategically structured experience designed to challenge and reward your inner warrior. Participants can expect to be tested on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual - as they break through old limitations and unlock their true potential. The retreat includes a diverse range of activities and practices:

    High-intensity workouts push physical boundaries, while conscious connected breathwork and Kundalini energy activation tap into spiritual depths. Posture, mobility, and endurance training enhance physical resilience. Emotional growth is fostered through men's circle fire pit sessions and team bonding exercises. The retreat also incorporates ice bath and sauna contrast therapy for holistic well-being. Mental acuity is sharpened through visualization practices and roundtable mastermind sessions. Throughout the experience, there's a focus on integration and processing to ensure lasting transformation. This comprehensive approach creates a powerful container for personal evolution, allowing men to emerge stronger, more balanced, and deeply connected to their authentic selves and a brotherhood of like-minded individuals.

  • Master your mind through the journey of self-discovery and mental toughness, as you join forces with your fellow brothers and form unbreakable bonds. Test your boundaries, push yourself to new limits, and connect deeper within.


  • Jax's Men's Retreats push participants to new limits through intensive somatic work and emotional release. Men are guided through powerful experiences designed to access and release deep-seated pain, tension, and past traumas. The retreat focuses on confronting and processing sources of depression, anxiety, and other emotional burdens that may have long been suppressed.

    This deep dive into the psyche and body allows for profound healing and transformation. Physical challenges and brotherhood-building activities complement this inner work, creating a holistic experience that helps men break free from long-standing patterns and limitations.

  • We offer a powerful approach to releasing controlled aggression through deep trauma work and energy practices. This intensive process focuses on nervous system regulation, allowing men to safely access and channel pent-up emotions. Through specialised somatic techniques and energy work, participants learn to identify and release stored tension in the body that often manifests as aggression or anger.

    The retreat's practices help recalibrate the nervous system, shifting men out of chronic fight-or-flight states into more balanced modes of being. By addressing root causes of aggression – often linked to past traumas or suppressed emotions – men can experience profound shifts in their emotional landscape. This work not only provides healthy outlets for aggressive energy but also cultivates greater emotional intelligence and self-control.

  • We offer transformative immersions that address past hurts and traumas at their root. Through intensive somatic practices and energy work, we guide men to access and release deep-seated emotional imprints trapped in the body. Our safe, supportive environment allows men to reconnect with suppressed feelings, complete frozen stress responses, and fully process stored traumas. This powerful work often results in profound physical and emotional release, freeing them from long-held tensions and repetitive patterns.

At JAX Healing Retreat, we understand that the greatest treasure one can possess is vibrant health and well-being. Our Retreats and Classes are designed to nurture every aspect of your being, ensuring a harmonious balance that radiates true wealth from within.

Common Questions:

  • We offer a diverse range of workshops and classes to cater to various needs. These include Jax Day Retreats, Kundalini life force transmissions, and Men's-only Breathwork and Ice immersions. We also provide four-day intensive healing retreats, host retreats facilitated by others, and offer breathwork and integration healing sessions. Additionally, we support content shoots and Jax energetics facilitator training.

  • You can book a class or workshop by following this link and selecting the desired session. Follow the prompts to complete your booking.

  • For most sessions, we recommend bringing comfortable clothing, a water bottle, and a notebook for personal insights. Specific sessions like contrast therapy will require swimwear for the ice bath component.

    When you book you will receive an email shortly after with a list of how to prepare and what to pack.

  • Yes, our workshops and classes are designed to accommodate all levels of experience. Our facilitators provide guidance and support to ensure everyone can participate comfortably. No prior experience is necessary. However, we do ask that before joining a retreat, you participate in two in-person or virtual healing sessions to clear your energy pathways and attune to the frequency. Other than that, all you need is an open mind and heart.

  • Absolutely! We encourage guests to participate in various Immersions and healings to experience the full range of our healing modalities. We have at least 2-3 healings on per day on our retreat schedule.

    While participation is optional, and it's important to listen to your body and its needs, we encourage you to join as many sessions as you can, paying attention to your body and nervous system.

  • Our energy work is not recommended for individuals prone to mania or psychosis, pregnant women, or anyone under the age of 18. Here is a list of contraindications for some of our healing work:

    • Current pregnancy

    • Severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or unresolved trauma

    • Active recreational drug use

    • Medication affecting brain chemistry (e.g., anti-anxiety, antidepressants, ADD, OCD medications)

    • Prescribed blood thinners or anti-coagulants

    • Osteoporosis

    • Detached retina

    • Glaucoma

    • Kidney disease

    • High blood pressure

    • Cardiovascular disease such as angina or history of heart attack

    • Chest pain, myocarditis, pericarditis, irregular heartbeat, or other severe heart conditions

    • History of stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)

    • Seizures, seizure disorder, or other brain/neurological conditions

    • Diagnosed aneurysm of any kind

    • Uncontrolled thyroid disorder

    • Diabetes (any type)

    • Severe asthma (mild/moderate can be discussed if you bring an inhaler)

    • Epilepsy

    • Prior diagnosis of bipolar, schizophrenia, or other psychiatric conditions

    • Severe psychosomatic disorders

    • Recent surgery, stitches, or injury

    • Hospitalization for psychiatric reasons or emotional crisis within the last 10 years

    • Any other medical, psychiatric, or physical condition that could impair engagement in deep emotional/physical processes safely