At Jax Healing we offer unforgettable and transformational experiences deeply rooted in the wisdom of mind, body, and soul healing. Our inclusive retreat packages are designed to provide the freedom and fluidity to meet your needs while allowing your nervous system to comfortably and safely explore deeper levels of healing.

What makes

us different:

  • At Jax, we offer a comprehensive healing journey that encompasses energy work, bodywork, breathwork, somatic trauma therapies along with yoga, pilates, sound healing, meditation,

    Our skilled practitioners facilitate kundalini activations, life force energy healings, trance work, and deep subconscious exploration. We complement these transformative practices with fire ceremonies, integration rituals, contrast therapy, and grounding techniques.

    By blending ancient wisdom with modern techniques, we create a nurturing environment for profound transformation. Our approach taps into the power of breath, sound, movement, and energy work to guide you towards renewed vitality.

    Healing through the lens of trauma is our cornerstone, ensuring a safe, sensitive, and empowering approach to your wellness journey.

  • We understand that each person's journey is unique. Your life experiences, tensions, stressors, losses, core wounds, and traumas have shaped you. Our healings are designed to gently dismantle the armour and protection shells you've built, bringing these hidden aspects into your conscious awareness for processing, release, and integration.

    We lovingly meet you in the depths of your shadows, dismantling what holds you back, keeps you small, or makes you sick. This allows you to truly live the life you came here to live, unbound by the past and embracing a brighter future.

    Our offerings are tailored to listen to what your body needs, allowing the wisdom of our innate life force energy to nourish and heal on all levels—mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

    In our safe containers, the energy will reveal different aspects and facets of yourself, enabling deep healing. You'll process what your nervous system is ready to handle and understand. Our space allows for profound emotional and energetic processing, with free-form expression, movement, and unwinding to deepen your experience.

    We know that what we resist persists. The real work, the deep work, is going inwards to meet ourselves and release what we're ready to let go of.

    At Jax, we create the space for this transformative journey, supporting you every step of the way.

  • Each modality at Jax is guided by experienced and highly skilled facilitators dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential. Our facilitators bring a wealth of knowledge and deep personal practice to their work, ensuring that every session is both safe and transformative. They are deeply attuned and have done the profound inner work themselves, allowing them to hold space for others with authenticity and empathy. Because they have met themselves on the deepest levels, they are uniquely equipped to guide you on your own journey. Whether you are new to these practices or have years of experience, our facilitators will meet you where you are and help you navigate your path with expertise and compassion.

  • Our four-day retreat schedule at Jax offers a carefully curated blend of experiences. Our time includes six Kundalini life-force energy transmissions, two Ceremonial Breathwork Healings, and morning Yoga sessions in our shala. You'll experience a Balinese Purification Ceremony with a High Priest, evening Sound Healing and Meditation, a Sacred Cacao Ceremony, and a Fire Pit Release Ceremony.

    Daily contrast therapy sessions in our spa, integration processing, and sharing circles further support the healing process. We also offer optional in-villa massages and alternative therapies.

    Long table lunches and dinners on our deck, art therapy, and reflection time are included in the schedule.

    While our schedule is comprehensive, we emphasise that all activities are optional. We believe it's crucial to listen to your body and nervous system throughout your healing journey.


We are deeply passionate about both healing and teaching others how to heal. Our retreats empower you to awaken and cultivate your inner healer, becoming a powerful resource within your family, friendship circles, and community.

At Jax, we blend ancient wisdom with deep somatic and emotional healing practices. Our retreat centre offers a carefully selected range of powerful modalities, from Kundalini activations to somatic trauma release.

We've created a space where you can safely explore and grow through movement, sound, energy, breath, holistic therapies, and Balinese traditions. Our approach supports both gentle unwinding and profound catharsis, facilitating deep release and nervous system regulation.

Our team guides you through this journey of self-discovery, tailoring the experience to your individual needs. At Jax, you'll tap into your innate potential and emerge with tools for lasting change.

Come join us and experience the profound power of energy work and holistic healing.

Our Upcoming Retreats:

  • JAX DAY RETREAT Heal and Awaken

    Thursday 12th September with REBECCA JAX


  • JAX FOUR DAY RETREAT Heal and Immerse

    13th-16th September with REBECCA JAX


  • JAX FOUR DAY RETREAT Heal and Immerse

    4th-7th October with REBECCA JAX


  • JAX FOUR DAY RETREAT Heal and Immerse

    29th Nov - 2nd Dec with REBECCA JAX


  • JAX FOUR DAY RETREAT Heal and Immerse

    31st Jan - 3rd Feb with REBECCA JAX


  • JAX FOUR DAY RETREAT Heal and Immerse

    14th-17th Feb with REBECCA JAX


Join us on a Retreat

Book our Upcoming Day Retreats below:

At Jax Retreat, we believe that healing and transformation are essential to living a fulfilling life. By blending ancient wisdom with modern techniques, we help individuals release past traumas and discover their true potential.