Transformative Kundalini Activation

Facilitator Training

The holistic, body-oriented & trauma-informed program.

Experience an immersive six-day trauma-informed facilitator training at Jax Healing Retreat in Uluwatu, Bali. This sacred journey of embodiment and wisdom is complemented by a self-paced online multimedia course and ongoing monthly support. Prepare to facilitate Kundalini Activation healings with confidence and clarity, as you integrate practical tools and spiritual knowledge.


Our comprehensive and guided 4-step training offers a six-day in-person intensive at Jax Healing Retreat in Uluwatu, Bali, combined with a six-month self-paced digital course and ongoing monthly support. This immersive training delves into the depths of spiritual embodiment, providing you with the wisdom and practical tools needed to facilitate Kundalini Activation healings with confidence and clarity. Benefit from continuous support, further business development opportunities, and a vibrant community to help you grow and thrive on your spiritual journey.

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Online Pre-Training

Unlimited Kundalini Activation Ceremonies in a safe online or in-person environment.

Prerequisite: Participate in our online ceremonies to fully embody the energy, ensuring your channels are open, clear, and prepared for the in-person training.

These uncapped healings are designed to ensure deep embodiment of the energy, allowing you to experience its essence and the profound shifts it brings into one's life. This process ensures that you teach from a place of embodied wisdom and lived experience, alongside professional knowledge in facilitating and creating safe spaces for healing others. The prerequisite of participating in online ceremonies is crucial for purifying, clearing, and cleansing your energy pathways, and for doing your own healing work before holding space for another.

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Self-Paced Digital Course

A comprehensive digital course via Kajabi

This digital course offers an in-depth study of trauma, somatics, and embodied practices for healing. Delivered through Kajabi, the course combines multimedia content to enhance your learning experience.

Prerequisite: Complete this comprehensive multimedia digital course before attending the in-person training. It covers trauma-informed studies and the science behind Kundalini activation, providing a profound understanding of the processes and principles involved. You'll explore the intricate relationship between trauma and healing, somatic practices to embody these teachings, and the scientific foundations of Kundalini energy. This prerequisite ensures you are well-prepared, with a solid theoretical foundation, before embarking on the intensive in-person training.

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In-Person Intensive

Six Days of Practical Training at Jax Healing Retreat

Over the course of six days, gain hands-on experience in bodywork, somatics, breathwork, and facilitating individual, small group, and full group ceremonies. This immersive training emphasises working with the body's energy and guiding participants through transformative experiences.

Our hard work and embodiment journey culminates in a formal initiation into the Kundalini Activation method. You'll learn practical tools and techniques for creating and holding safe spaces, and develop skills for facilitating 1:1 sessions, small and large group ceremonies, and classes. The training covers the fundamentals of trauma work, breathwork, bodywork, and embodiment practices.


Learn grounding and integration rituals, practices, and somatic healing tools. Master various modalities to help clients process and integrate their experiences, ensuring a holistic and supportive approach to healing.

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Post-Training Support

Monthly Facilitator Circles

Enjoy continued support, training, and business development through our monthly facilitator circles. These gatherings offer ongoing guidance and the opportunity to stay connected within our community. Participate in roundtable discussions to address any emerging topics, navigate nuances in your new working space, and share insights with fellow facilitators. Benefit from collaborative opportunities, including the exchange of contacts and resources for further professional growth and development.

Virtual Healing Facilitation

Learn to facilitate online sessions with the same effectiveness as in-person work. You’ll receive a code to join our online platform, where you'll co-facilitate and interact with our community. This opportunity allows you to practice applying the tools and knowledge from your in-person training in a virtual setting, ensuring you're comfortable and adept at holding space remotely.


Receive official certification as a Trauma-Informed Kundalini Activation Facilitator upon completion.

Be part of the revolution in energy healing and somatics. Our training is a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation, preparing you to become a vessel for the Kundalini Frequency. Serve others by spreading light and facilitating deep healing.


We are in the age of the Great Awakening.


Kundalini is rising. Something profound is happening now, many are awakening, and more keep coming. There is a transformation happening on our planet.

People worldwide are experiencing the unimaginable, the magnificence of their light, truth and essence. We are beginning to resonate on deep levels of healing and understanding that we came here for something else; our souls have awakened to a profound declaration and understanding of our existence. Embodying this frequency ignites a quest to serve, to spread light into the darkest places and rise. Holding this space for ourselves and igniting the life force, vitality and magnificence in others.



  • Our comprehensive training addresses physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of healing. This includes a six-day immersive experience at Jax Healing Retreat, a self-paced digital course, and ongoing monthly support. You’ll gain hands-on skills in bodywork, breathwork, and facilitating ceremonies, while learning to integrate Kundalini Activation and trauma-informed practices. The training ensures you are well-prepared to guide transformative healing experiences both in-person and online.

    Our approach to Kundalini activation is grounded in trauma sensitivity, guided by the nervous system, and characterised by emotional intelligence. We integrate breathwork, energy work, and energy healing within a carefully designed immersive setting. This method prioritises nervous system regulation, somatic release, and trauma healing, among other transformative aspects.

    We are acutely aware of the profound ethical responsibility involved in Kundalini activation, given the deep and potentially life-altering experiences it can bring to participants. Understanding the significance of this work, we emphasise safe, deliberate, and expertly facilitated journeys into the subconscious, reaching dream-like states through breathwork (theta brainwave). This ensures that participants feel entirely supported and secure as they explore their personal healing journeys.

    By creating a compassionate and nurturing environment, we enable participants to release and deepen their healing experiences. We believe that within a field of pure potentiality, when held with care and understanding, true transformative miracles can happen.

  • Our training equips you with supportive techniques to navigate both positive and challenging experiences. You'll learn to create safe spaces for healing, regulate the nervous system, and activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

    Techniques include guiding participants into transcendental and mystical states of being, harmonising brainwaves, and delving deeply into the subconscious.

    You’ll also explore inner child work, ancestral trauma, and soul retrieval practices, including trauma cycle completion, cord cutting, and reclaiming personal power. Our approach focuses on guiding individuals through their healing journeys, helping them integrate unprocessed facets of the self. By repatterning through deep subconscious realms, you will facilitate profound transformations and support your participants in addressing and resolving their most deeply held issues.


  • Our training harnesses the power of breath, bodywork, energetics, sound, and movement through various embodiment practices. You'll explore the path of surrender, balancing both masculine and feminine principles, and learn to work purely intuitively. By integrating acupressure, bodywork, and energy anatomy, you'll also delve into the scientific aspects of working with the body, enhancing your ability to guide transformative experiences.

  • We create safe spaces for healing, becoming vessels and conduits for energy to flow. As the nervous system begins to attune and release, it will do so in a safe environment, guided by the body's innate wisdom. Our role as facilitators is to support and guide individuals, allowing them to feel secure in their healing process and self-expression. This requires us to be deeply in tune with our own embodiment and to foster safety through our presence. We work intuitively and scientifically with the body, tailoring our approach to meet the unique needs of each individual who joins us on the mat.

    We recognise that the key to unlocking somatic unwinding, trauma release, deep catharsis, and nervous system regulation lies in creating a carefully crafted and intentional environment. This setting allows for uninhibited movement and the full spectrum of somatic, and emotional expression, all guided by the body's innate wisdom and its healing potential, under the guidance of a deeply attuned facilitator.


  • Transformations arise when we heal within a secure environment, built on intentional and purposeful touch, and a grounded approach. Creating a safe space is foundational to any energy work—it’s the cornerstone of healing. As facilitators, we must first ensure that our own space is safe and supportive, allowing others to feel secure enough to let go. This involves looking at our work through the lens of trauma, recognising that each person who comes through our doors carries their own sacred pain, grief, and suffering. By fostering a safe, trustworthy, and empowering environment, we enable deep and meaningful transformations to unfold.

  • Our training emphasizes nervous system regulation and the completion of trauma cycles through deep somatic unwinding. As trauma cycles emerge for processing and release, we work to help the nervous system find safety and stability. This involves addressing psychosomatic responses, physical manifestations, and dis-ease, while releasing the armor and protection held within the body. We support the re-circuiting and repatterning of neural pathways, guiding individuals as subconscious elements and shadow aspects of themselves become conscious. This approach fosters witness, processing, release, and integration, enabling profound healing and transformation.

Join the Kundalini Activation Movement

Awaken and activate the vital life force energy within. This training reconnects you with your essence, clears blockages, and integrates healing for spiritual, mental, and emotional transformation. Experience peace, calm, and a profound connection to your soul's potential.

If you're called to facilitate Kundalini Activation and support others in their healing journey, apply now. Ensure you have attended at least five sessions with Rebecca Jax before applying.

“Working with this frequency is a divine blessing that is a calling for those who wish to spread light into the world. Many of our souls are yearning for this. As the earth's frequency rises, so does ours as we are in the age of The Great Awakening.”

Founder of Jax Healing Retreat


This work enables us to contribute to the world, and from a place of authenticity, integrity and truth; we can flourish by giving others this gift of healing.

We contribute to the light spread rapidly across the globe; you become mission born.


It is not always an easy undertaking to surrender to a higher consciousness. The mind cannot grasp this process. It needs to be felt deeply.

If you are called to serve others, join a process of immersion, remembrance and reactivation of ancient knowledge inside you, raise the vibration of all and guide others in an embodied, anchored and grounded way, then please fill in the application form.

Before applying please read through the importance of Embodiment before the Initiation.


  • This training is about you and moving through your processes and experience in letting go to join the path of surrender. You must go through your energetic and spiritual purification processes to embody this energy and be a strong conduit of divine life force. You will be guided through Kundalini Activation and Awakening Journeys that will guide you through often profound and, at times, challenging processes of deep healing and transformation. 

    You will experience immense shifts in consciousness and self-realisations as you peel back the layers of self and conditioned and societal limitations that will create an inner change in your life and alter your views and perceptions of life and reality. 

    You will discover Kundalini's never-ending depths as you, over time, continue to embody the further stages of Kundalini awakenings; this will allow you to continue taking people deeper into their processes and enable you to hold a space for profound awakening and embodiment of others

    Attending at least five in-person or virtual Kundalini Activation sessions is a prerequisite to applying for this training. This is to honour the sacredness of this work by having met your own shadow, imprinting, wounding and completing unprocessed trauma cycles so you can hold safe, trauma-informed containers for others. This is also so you become embodied with this frequency flowing throughout to impact others' energy systems and the wisdom gained from your kundalini activation healing journey.


    Not all applicants can be approved. As an energetic organism, you must be sensitive, grounded, open and heart-based enough to embody and harness the energy to be a strong vessel and conduit for the divine life force to move through you.

  • You will be initiated into the Divine Life-Force/Kundalini Frequency upon arriving at the training. To become a clear vessel for this energy, you will engage in your own spiritual purification, inner child work, shadow work, and trauma cycle completion.

    This sacred initiation, combined with your embodiment, clearing, and purifying healings, will create the space necessary to hold and channel Kundalini energy effectively. You will learn to facilitate Kundalini Activation sessions both individually and in groups, as well as conduct online sessions. Additionally, you will understand the ethical responsibility of space holding, ensuring a safe and transformative experience for those you guide.

  • Learn to integrate a variety of healing methods and tools within your practice as a trauma-informed Kundalini facilitator, allowing you to address your clients' bodily responses and incorporate comprehensive somatic awareness.

    In somatic healing, we treat the whole human being, recognising that an individual's thoughts, belief systems, emotions, and bodily sensations all impact their well-being. The methods you include in your healing containers can significantly influence the depth and success of a person's experience.

    You will explore:

    • Breathwork Modalities: Techniques to enhance emotional and physical release.

    • Embodiment Practices: Methods to connect deeply with the body’s wisdom and sensations.

    • Acupuncture Point Applications: Understanding how specific points can address psychological and emotional disorders.

    • Hypnosis and Meditation: Tools for accessing deeper subconscious layers and fostering inner peace.

    • Sound Healing: Utilising sound frequencies for transformative healing experiences.

    • Embodied Movement: Practices that encourage physical expression and release.

    • Grounding and Integration Rituals: Techniques to help clients ground their experiences and integrate their healing.

    • Bodywork: Approaches to physical touch and manipulation for healing.

    • Guided Healings: Facilitated sessions that lead clients through targeted healing processes.

    • Somatic Healing Techniques: Methods for addressing and integrating physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of healing.

    • Trauma-Informed Practices: Approaches to support and guide individuals dealing with trauma in a sensitive and effective manner.

    • Facilitating Kundalini Energy: Techniques to channel, guide, and work with Kundalini energy in individual and group settings.

    In addition to these core areas, you will learn:

    • Space Holding Skills:

      • Insurance and Liability: Essential knowledge for managing coverage and risk in your practice.

      • Curating Playlists: Crafting music playlists to enhance and support the healing process.

      • Setting Up Your Space: Creating a supportive and transformative environment for healing.

      • Opening and Closing a Circle: Conducting rituals and practices to start and end sessions with intention and safety.

      • Individual, Couple, and Group Healing: Techniques for facilitating effective sessions across different group sizes and dynamics.

      • Venue Hire and Selection: Choosing and preparing the right space for your sessions and events.

      • Disclaimers, Limitations, and Contraindications: Understanding the boundaries and limitations of your practice and communicating them clearly.

      • Grounding and Integration: Practices to help clients ground their experiences and integrate insights post-session.

      • Sharing Circles: Facilitating group discussions to process and share experiences.

      • Post-Session Processing: Techniques for supporting clients in reflecting on and integrating their healing experiences.

    • Nervous System Regulation: Techniques to help clients stabilize their nervous system, facilitating emotional and physical healing.

    • Down-Shifting Techniques: Methods to help clients transition from high-stress states to a calm, centered state of being.

    • Creating Safe Spaces for Healing: Strategies for ensuring your healing environment is secure, supportive, and conducive to deep work.

    • Additional Skills:

      • Embodiment Practices: Engaging with physical and emotional embodiment techniques.

      • Acupuncture Point Applications: Utilizing specific points to address psychological and emotional issues.

      • Hypnosis and Meditation: Techniques for deepening subconscious exploration and fostering inner peace.

      • Sound Healing and Shamanic Drumming: Using sound frequencies and rhythmic drumming for transformative healing.

      • Breathwork Modalities: Enhancing emotional and physical release through various breathwork techniques.

      • Bodywork and Energy Anatomy: Applying physical touch and understanding energy systems for healing.

      • Sacred Ceremonies: Conducting ceremonies such as cacao ceremonies, fire pit releases, and purification rituals.

    This training provides a holistic foundation for facilitating profound healing experiences and managing your practice with expertise and care.

  • Energy anatomy provides a comprehensive view of the human body as a dynamic network where spirit, matter, and energy intertwine. Rather than merely seeing the body as a biological machine, energy anatomy explores the following aspects:

    • Conversion of Thoughts into Matter: Understanding how mental and emotional states transform into physical manifestations. This includes recognising how thoughts and emotions can impact physical health and contribute to various ailments.

    • Energy Storage: Learning where energy is stored within specific parts of the body and how this relates to illnesses linked to past emotional traumas. This involves identifying how unresolved emotions and experiences can create energetic blockages and physical symptoms.

    • Reclaiming Health Control: Exploring techniques to regain control over your health by working with your energy system. This includes methods for balancing and clearing energetic blockages to improve overall well-being.

    • Emotions and the Chakra System: Examining the connection between emotions and the Chakra system. Understanding how each Chakra is associated with different emotional and physical aspects, and how imbalances in the Chakras can affect mental and emotional health.

    • Chakras and Mental/Emotional Health: Delving into how the state of each Chakra influences mental and emotional health. This involves learning to identify and address imbalances that may contribute to psychological or emotional issues.

    • Spiritual Purification: Engaging in practices designed to cleanse and align your spiritual and energetic self. This includes rituals and techniques for purifying the energy body and fostering a deeper connection to your spiritual essence.

    • Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness: Recognising and navigating altered states of consciousness that may arise during healing sessions. This involves understanding how these states can provide insights and facilitate deeper healing processes.

    • Peri-Natal Experiences: Identifying and addressing experiences from the peri-natal period (the time surrounding birth) that can influence an individual’s energy system and overall health. This includes exploring how early life experiences can affect current emotional and physical well-being.

    By integrating these principles, energy anatomy offers a holistic framework for understanding how energetic dynamics impact physical, emotional, and spiritual health, providing deeper insights and tools for healing and personal transformation.

  • Our primary focus is maintaining the integrity of our work. We carefully evaluate our students through a detailed application process, assessing their readiness before welcoming them into our space. We understand that a high level of self-awareness and personal inner work are crucial for individuals to safely, intuitively, and ethically guide others through the Kundalini activation process. While we respect each potential student's unique journey and development, those who haven't yet achieved the necessary self-awareness can inadvertently disrupt the training environment and impact the collective experience. Therefore, individuals need to be more self-aware before taking on the role of a facilitator.

    We intentionally seek out those who have engaged in significant inner work, have been on a dedicated path, and are prepared to bring Kundalini activation to their communities and the world. Unlike many schools that prioritise profit and numbers, accepting anyone who pays without thorough screening, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in our training. This approach addresses the rise of irresponsible energy work facilitation we see today. At Jax, our trainings are designed for the greater good, emphasising ethics and the craft's integrity.

    Our in-person trainings are intentionally small and intimate, with no more than 10-12 participants per session. This allows for a more personalised and hands-on experience, ensuring the ethical preservation of the work. The community formed within these training groups often results in lifelong connections, fostering a supportive and enduring tribe.

    Please carefully review our webpage and application form in detail before applying for our Trauma-Informed Kundalini Activation Facilitator Training.



  • The Kundalini Activation Facilitator Training with Rebecca Jax was a profound and transformative experience. The blend of online and inperson training was perfectly balanced, allowing me to fully prepare before the immersive sessions at the Jax Healing Retreat in Bali. Rebeccas trauma informed approach made me feel safe and supported throughout the process, and her ability to integrate somatic healing techniques was truly enlightening. The post training support, especially the monthly facilitator circles, provided ongoing guidance and community, which was invaluable as I started facilitating my own sessions. I left the training not just with a certification but with a deep sense of purpose and the skills to help others awaken and heal.

    Ona.P | Certified JAX Kundalini Activation Facilitator

  • My journey with Rebecca has been lifechanging. Her training equipped me with the tools to become an effective facilitator, allowing me to guide others in their healing journey. Rebeccas approach was transformative and deeply aligned with my personal growth.

    Alex M. | Certified JAX Kundalini Activation Facilitator

  • Participating in the Kundalini Activation Facilitator Training was a beautiful and powerful experience. The comprehensive approach, covering everything from energy anatomy to trauma informed facilitation, was incredibly thorough and empowering. Rebeccas guidance helped me tap into my unique style of facilitating, and the combination of personal development and practical skills truely empowered me to gain the confidence to put myself out there, and tap into my own inherent gifts of healing. I thank Becci for all she does in creating a safe and powerful space for facilitators to flourish.

    Katie.K | Certified JAX Trauma-Informed Kundalini Facilitator